Warwick Lecture Capture to become Tidal exclusive
Tidal has announced that it has acquired the entire Warwick Lecture Capture back catalogue.

The much-maligned streaming service has received a recent boost in popularity due to its exclusive hosting of Rihanna’s ‘ANTI’, Kanye West’s ‘The Life of Pablo’, and now Beyonce’s ‘Lemonade’. Now, by having every ‘EC226 Econometrics 1’ lecture available as well, the company hopes to maintain this momentum through 2016.
“Used to be that you’d have to wait days, weeks for a lecture to go up,” Tidal CEO Jay Z said in the announcement, “but now you have it in unnecessarily high quality and at an unreasonable price the same day!”
Aside from being the only place you can hear the recently-departed Prince’s discography, it will now be the home of ‘HA1B4 Painting Techniques’ and ‘IL008 Reinventing Education’, and other such bullshit.
In other news, your Making History tutor is thinking about dropping next week’s seminar on DatPiff.