Library panic as books ‘embrace fascism’
Library books at Warwick Uni have been driven to Nazism.

Several books, including Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj and Other Writings (Cambridge, 1997) and The European World (London, 2009) have said they were driven to hate politics by their mistreatment at the hands of Warwick students.
“We are incorrectly referenced, taken from the shelf merely to reserve desk space and used as tissues for crying finalists every summer term, enough is enough,” The European World (London, 2009) told the Hoar.
Books have spent the term scribbling anti-Semitic and sexist phrases upon themselves in acts of hate.
“We hope to raise awareness of how badly we’re treated, and we’ll stop at nothing. It’ll be the gays next.
“We know that the Boar is always looking for a sniff of political incorrectness, so we’re happily working in conjunction with them on this.” The God Delusion (London, 2006) told us.
Warwick for Fascist Education have supported the move, calling it “vital in the struggle against equality and kindness”.
Mein Kampf has refused to comment.