English degree revealed to be ‘social experiment’
The results of the fifty year study have been released this week

Warwick’s Department of Psychology has announced this week that the English degree offered by the university has in fact been an ongoing social experiment.
“We originally set it up as a joke in 1966 to see how many people would take it. I mean, studying books for three years? We’re surprised we even got a few!” Dr. Ben Shakespeare told the Hoar.
As Warwick nears the end of its fifty years, the results of the study are soon to be made public. “Things got a bit ropey when tuition fees were introduced. When the cap got raised to £9,000 a year we thought it was over. But they just kept coming!”
Dr. Shakespeare admits he was surprised by the results. “The fact we managed to convince tens of thousands of students finding the feminist under- and overtones of Dr Seuss was a remotely marketable life skill, year in, year out, was a minor miracle”.
When asked what would happen to the corridor in the Humanities building that managed to successfully deceive people into thinking it was a “department” for half a century, Vice Chancellor Stuart Soft said that WMG was looking for a cloakroom, “so it’ll probably just be that, really”.
Dr. Shakespeare confirmed that as per the Ethics Protocol of the Psychology department, all fees would be returned to those who took part: “You must have been pretty worried for a second there!”