The Hoarchive

Satire, freshly squeezed from Warwick Uni

Sabbatical officer accidentally delivers a campaign pledge

In a drunken haze one of the Sabbs has fulfilled one of their concrete proposals

Sabbatical officer accidentally delivers a campaign pledge

An anonymous member of the current Warwick SU Sabbatical team has broken with tradition and delivered on one of their election campaign promises.

The Sabbatical officer in question (who’s identity is withheld for fear of reprisal) admits the reckless act was committed while drunk after swilling concentrated purple funneled down an SU welfare leaflet. Having now accidentally fulfilled the promise, campaigners for his post in 2017 have been reduced from 3 to 2 stock policies to recycle for their manifestos.

Warwick SU has published a statement expressing regret and resolving to put stronger safeguards in place so the incident cannot be repeated.